Monarch Movers Freightliner Truck Wrap
Project includes custom design, vehicle prep, and installation of full wrap.
Custom design proof will be sent to Monarch Movers for approval before graphic prep and print begins. Once approved, materials will be ordered and installation date will be set. Project cost is $7875.92 plus tax. A 50% deposit is required to hire ProVinyl for the project and once received, design work will be initiated. Project balance due upon completion.
Estimated time to install 40hrs. Installation will occur onsite at customer location and around customer's schedule.
Please read attached Wrap Contract for additional details.
Wrap material is premium grade 3M with a gloss finish that offers many years of performance against the elements. Text and logo are made from premium sign grade digitally cut vinyl.
Wrap coverage will be all white painted surfaces; does not include trim, handles, hinges, mirrors, bumpers, or roof.